Friday, 25 May 2012

Lasting Longer in Bed - Last 20 Minutes Longer Tonight!

Premature ejaculation is a cause of untold misery to men and women alike. With correct techniques, you should be able to naturally cure it and ensure that both you and your woman live a sexually fulfilled sex life.
Satisfying your woman should be your first aim before you think of your own satisfaction. Employing one or two of the above techniques should see your premature ejaculation problem reduced if not cured and put you in a position to last longer in bed.
You should be able to last at least 20 minutes longer in bed tonight after going through these techniques:
  • Change of position. Continuous change of sex position can help you delay ejaculation as much as possible. While some sex positions increase your chances of premature ejaculation, others greatly reduce those chances. Do this every time you sense you are about to ejaculate. Withdrawing your penis from your woman vagina cools down your heat hence interrupting the ejaculatory process. The result is that you stay longer before ejaculation and the possibility of your woman experiencing multiple orgasms also increase.
  • Confidence. Confidence plays a big role in everything we do. Being confident that you can stay long in bed and satisfy your woman plants that confidence in you. Over time, this becomes permanent and you actually find yourself not only satisfying your woman but staying longer before ejaculating as well.
  • Breathing. Being able to control the way you breath during sexual intercourse goes along way in managing premature ejaculation problem. Do this by exhaling while you push your penis in and inhaling while pulling out. Chances that you will ejaculate while exhaling are next to nil. Alternatively, just before you penetrate your woman, inhale deeply 3 times while exhaling slowly on each occasion. This calms your nerves and removes any anxiety you may have. Anxiety is a major contributor to premature ejaculation and being able to control it is very beneficial to you.
  • Sex exercise. General exercise is good for the body muscles. Exercising (sex exercising) the muscles that control ejaculatory process goes along way in helping you stay longer in bed. The exercise, tightens ejaculatory muscles, making them strong and able to hold back ejaculation. You can undertake sex exercising during urination process where you hold back urine and release several times before the urination process is over. Doing this over time should see your ejaculatory muscles tighten and you should be able to control your ejaculation effectively.
  • Most men with premature ejaculation problem roll over immediately after, leaving their women feeling lonely and unsatisfied. This demoralizes the woman and feels worthless and used. You should continue to caress your woman and keep her on heat while you wait for another erection and continue having sex. It turns out good if your woman understands your problem, she will definitely help you achieve another erection faster. Going for another round of sex after ejaculating is advantageous to you, as the next round takes longer to reach climax. This gives your woman enough time to achieve her orgasm and get satisfied.
  •  If You Want To Last Longer , 20,30 Even 40 Minutes Longer In Bed TONIGHT -- 
  • And Give Your Girl Screaming, Toe-Curling Orgasms and just want her to constantly begging you for sex then you must visit the link fast

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